miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

We call renewable energy to the energy that we get from different and never ending natural resources. They are called renewable because they are able to regenerate naturally. Talking about renewable energies we have eolic, geothermic, hydroelectric, solar, biomasa....
Today, we had the opportunity with Luis to lear some interesting facts about them and also to play with them.


Se denomina energía renovable a la energía que se obtiene de fuentes naturales virtualmente

inagotables, ya sea por la inmensa cantidad de energía que contienen, o porque son capaces de regenerarse por medios naturales. Entre las energías renovables se cuentan la eólica, geotérmica, hidroeléctrica, maremotriz, solar, undimotriz, la biomasa y los biocombustibles.

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